My Current Obsession

Not more than 15 minutes ago I stumbled across the most amazing blog I have ever had the pleasure of reading. Or rather, browsing, as there really isn't much to read.. just pictures! Pictures of what, you might ask? Pictures of the most unique, crazy, out-of-this-world, amazing, fabulous, tremendous, stupendous, (insert infinite amount of similar words) 'shoes' (I put shoes in quotes because these are not JUST shoes, but that is the best way to describe them) in the entire world, universe, galaxy.

Kobi takes everyday things and magically transforms them into pieces of (wearable?) art. As I just found the blog, I haven't yet had time to research whether these shoes are actually available for sale.. and if they are.. I'm sure they're something I would never be able to afford! But that doesn't mean I can't be obsessed!!!!!

Dying to see an example of these legendary pieces of shoe-art that I speak of? Feast your eyes upon the picture below:

These shoes are, understandably, 'named' Bird 3 Swan 2011.

Want to see more of his work? Check out his blog.

The artistic genius in Kobi's designs just floor me. That is why Kobi Levi is my Current Obsession.